Thursday, October 22, 2015

Financial Report Progress(Feedback)

1 comment:

  1. Design Group 1: The Boxes around the "tab section" are to dull. Maybe change the color or shape.

    Design Group 2: The shapes around the pictures seem to blocky and dull. Maybe add a texture to the shapes.

    Design Group 3: Make sure the picture shapes align well as a curve. Make sure the text will pop out.

    Design Group 4: Maybe, under the "our mission", have the paragraph yellow on the text. Add different color to text. Seems a little dull.

    Design Group 5: Make sure you have more than one font on the final design. Looks good so far. Make sure the text curves well on the curve shape.

    Design Group 6: Looks good so far. Remember we have an ai. fortmillschool technology logo so it won't have that white box around it. Maybe outline the logo white so it will be able to stand out. Make sure the tab text curves well with the curve of the shape.

    Design Group 7: Choose well fonts and have them stand out. The side graphics should maybe stretch out a bit more to take out all that empty space. Tabs look good so far.

    Design Group 8: (16 of 34) Maybe change the color from the middle purple part onto a different color from your cover (use photoshop). Tabs seem duller than the covers.

    Design Group 9: (17 of 34) Needs different fonts. Need to stand out more and have good colors with textures, shapes, something with the theme. Same with (19 of 34) (20 of 34) & (22 of 34).

    (21 of 34): Have the computer match style of the 0 and 1's.

    Design Group 10: (18 of 34) Feel like the text could stand out more. Looks good so far.

    Design Group 11: Choose a font that looks good with the your curve shapes. Maybe have a better color palette. Seems a little dull.

    (25 of 34): Needs more color and design. Seems dull.

    Design Group 12: (26 of 34) - (27 of 34) Looks good so far. Make sure your tabs match well but also look there own way.

    Design Group 13: (29 of 34) Looks good so far. Don't have so much negative space. Have good fonts.

    Design Group 14: (32 of 34) Maybe have a different color palette. Have the tabs look a little different from the covers.

    Design Group 15: (33 of 34) Could look more artistic. Seems little dull. Maybe have a better palette.

    Design Group 16: (34 of 34) Seems blocky and dull. Remember to have more than one font to harmonize together.

    Project Manager: Alondra Lara
